2024 CPCOofGA Fall Conference Sponsorship Packages ALL SPONSORS will receive recognition on event signage, social media, website and program Company Name(Required)Representative Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) October 1, 2024 (Tuesday Night)Axe and Brews Gold Sponsorship, $3000.00 (Dinner and Axe Throwing Evening Event) Quantity Price: $3,000.00 Quantity Company representative to introduce their company and welcome attendees Acknowledgement from podium by CPCO leadership Wednesday, October 2, 2024Breakfast Silver Sponsorship, $ 1000.00 Quantity Price: $1,000.00 Quantity Company representative to introduce their company and welcome attendees Acknowledgement from podium by CPCO leadership Lunch Silver Sponsorship, $1500.00 Quantity Price: $1,500.00 Quantity Company Logo on napkins Company representative to introduce their company and welcome attendees Acknowledgement from podium by CPCO leadership ADDITIONAL SPONSORSHIPSPadfolios Gold Sponsorship, with logo imprint Quantity Price: $2,500.00 Quantity Audio Visual Bronze Sponsorship (Both Days) Quantity Price: $400.00 Quantity Name Badges Bronze Sponsorship Quantity Price: $250.00 Quantity General Conference Bronze Sponsor Quantity Price: $250.00 Quantity Total Credit Card NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.